Bootstrap Essentials

  • The Bootstrap grid is what we use to structure the layout of our website. It tells the browser where to put different elements on the page.
  • And crucially it can tell the browser to arrange elements in different ways depending on the screen size it is rendering on.
  • Bootstrap styling is implemented using the bootstrap library of pre-written css, which is accessed by linking to their library and then using the right bootstrap class names in your html.
  • To use the bootstrap grid, you always need 3 types of bootstrap grid classes:
    1. Container
    2. Row
    3. Column
  • Each of these elements rely on the others to work correctly.
  • Your content goes in the columns.
  • You shouldn't have a column without a row,
  • And you shouldn't have a row without a container
  • Getting them in the wrong order, or missing out, will mess with your layout!








Structuring your grid code

Nesting your containers, rows and columns correctly.